Monday, December 31, 2018

Thankful for the gift of time - Surgery rescheduled

As I mentioned in my last post, Liam has been under the weather for over a week, coughing and then running a fever this past weekend, so I made the call into the surgeons office per protocol this morning...Because of his respiratory issues, they do not want to risk anything, so surgery is postponed until the 16th.  Liam and I went downtown to the hospital to get a virus panel done on him, so they could know for sure how long to postpone.  Thankfully, all the results came back negative, so that's good news! Praise God!  Now we just have to be hermits another 2 weeks (which is fine by me!) and keep him healthy until then. Today wasn't exactly the plan we were hoping, but we trust God's timing...And honestly, I am a little relieved and thankful for the gift of more time.

Liam has been such a trooper!  He really has an amazing attitude, taking everything in stride.  Here is a picture of him before his nose swab, and during lol.  In case you need to explain to your child how this is done....dealing with an older child now, I know it's super helpful for me if I can find pictures or videos that show him what a certain procedure is. 

We enjoyed watching the "Trainscape" at the hospital, it really is quite the display of electric trains!  We didn't get a chance to stop by during his cath, so we visited today.  It was actually nice to get out of the house for a bit, even if just to go for a test. 

We hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve tonight!  You all bless us so much, and we thank you for all the prayers, texts and messages - really means a lot to us and Liam.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

8 Years Later

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!  We had a great time with all our family here--the kids had a blast and my house is a disaster, so I guess it was successful! 

As I am looking back over the years and gearing up for the start of 2019, I am reminded of just how FAR we have come.  Wow!  God is so so good, all the time.  He is so faithful!  Today is actually the "surgi-versary of Liam's 3rd open heart surgery, exactly 8 years ago....

It has been encouraging to read back through that last surgery and see how relatively smooth it went though!  I know it will be a tough road, but my heart is encouraged tonight.  I am so thankful I have our experience documented.  The Lord has been stirring many projects in my heart related to this journey of ours, so I am excited to see where that all leads as well. 

A couple weeks ago, we followed up with our ENT at Medical City, and saw this crazy bus outside, LOL.  Unfortunately, that was all we saw of the boys! They were visiting several local hospitals that day I heard. 

Liam is a little under the weather right now, which reallllly stinks =(  Please keep him in your prayers...I know God will direct our steps as we plan our way this week, and I trust His timing of everything.  Thanks for joining us on this journey!  We are thankful for you - many blessings for a wonderful New Year's Eve and Day this week!