Can't believe it's almost been a month since my last post! First, I'll catch up on all the halloween happenings and then for some more fun times of our recent trip to Florida!
Liam went as Mario this year from Super Mario Bros - He absolutely LOVES the game, and daddy plays it with him all the time. He actually decided on Mario from the beginning of October and stayed with his choice all month, which made for a stress-free costume choice! I ended up making the "overalls" with pants and a woman's tank top from old navy, since I couldn't find any in the right color blue. I think it turned out pretty well, plus he can re-wear the red shirt and pants, which was nice on our budget ;)
The apartments we live in throw an annual Halloween party, so daddy and Liam went to that while mommy was away on my annual Ladies Retreat with church. The boys had fun while I was away and I came back recharged and refreshed!
The Saturday before Halloween was our annual Amazing Little Hearts Halloween party at the hospital. It was so fun to see everyone, since we have been busy and not able to attend much with the group lately. Liam got his face painted for the first time, and I think it turned out pretty well....Definitely completes the outfit!
We also went to a pumpkin patch that weekend, it was one we had never beent o before, and it was great! They had tons of activities for kids, and the best part was they were all free!
Sliding down after finishing the hay maze! |
Choo-choo! |
Some of daddy and Liam's favorite characters! |
Liam's favorite friend! |
This was a bigger slide at the finish of the "big" hay maze! |
Liam and I both traveled to Florida on Halloween day (daddy had to stay home to work) to visit my brother and his family. It was an amazing trip, lots of time to hang out and for the boys to get to spend a lot of play time together! We really miss them, so it was definitely a blessing to get to stay for a week.
Our EARLY morning flight! The sunrise was beautiful! |
We arrived! Liam with his cousins, Josh and Ryan, ready to go trick-or-treating! |
Halloween night, we took the boys to the mall to trick-or-treat and get dinner. They had a two-story carousel we rode that was really cool, although it went a little fast! And of course, Liam wanted to ride on the second story. I will say I am thankful we decided to do that before dinner, ha!
Carousel ride |
Halloween jammies! |
The boys, waiting for the ride on the train! |
Group picture! |
Liam took his first trip to a real ocean beach, which was so much fun! I wasn't sure if he would like the sand (texture things!!) or the water, but he loved both! He was sitting in the water, letting the waves roll over him and loving every minute! And what great weather too - I was surprised at how warm it was being November, even the water temperature was nice!
We also visited the Tampa Zoo, which had great exhibits of all the animals and a huge children's area. I didn't get too many pictures, but all the animals were actually out and visible! Even the monkeys were actually climbing and playing for us!
Can you tell Liam has learned to say "cheese"? LOL |
You could feed the giraffe! It was cool to get this close! |
We missed daddy a lot, but we still had such a great time! Hopefully daddy will get to come next time!
With Thanksgiving around the corner, things have been busy around here! Thanks for stopping in to see what we've been up to! More to come soon!
I loved the update and all the photos :) Liam's costume was awesome!