Thursday, June 10, 2010

6.10.10 - Liam is off the vent!!!

Liam is off the vent....This all happened pretty quick, but I know how the Lord works and this was a clear sign this is the time. Dustin and I had met our dear friends Lesli and Tripp for dinner and towards the end, my mom (who was up in Liams room) text me that the Dr. had come by and did we want to talk to him. Of course, we never miss an oppurtunity to talk to the docs, so back we went to the room.

Dr. C talked with us and explained why he wanted to try to take Liam off the vent tonight. Dustin and I felt like everything he said validated our thoughts on the process. After praying about it, we decided to go ahead with the extubation. Foremost, they had Liam breathing very well on his own with the vent turned off for over an hour. Plus, his sats were pretty good and his lungs sounded good as well. Dr. C thought maybe doing it at night, keeping the sedation going, would be less stressful for Liam since he tends to sleep pretty well and be more relaxed at night. I agreed completely with his logic, because it seems like Liam's attempts have failed in the past partially because he got too stressed out with everyone messing with him. Dr. C's plan was to pull the tube and let him be for a few hours, no touching. Our night nurse was also one we have had the most since our stay here, and she by far knows Liam the best, so I felt comfortable with all the support as well. I don't think the Lord could have orchestrated it any better to put us at peace about it.

So, we just went back to see Liam after extubation and he looked good. He was peaceful, a little wiggly, but nothing like before. His breathing looked better than the past few times too. Praise God is all I can say. We are rejoicing right now!

I'll be staying overnight so hopefully I can hold Liam for the first time in over a week...finally!!! To God be the Glory!!!


  1. Tara! I have goosebumps!!! That's such great news!!! I do hope you get to hold your precious little man soon!!! Thanks for the update!

  2. Wonderful news!!!!! Hope you all had a very restful night!

